Welcome to the fifth day of the series on how to test blogging consistency.

Nothing changed on better yesterday. There is a drop in the stats.

Traffic stats for today report are:

  • Visitors: 5
  • Views: 10
  • Searches: 0

Drop in traffic by -58% in the number of visitors, -87 in number of views. There was no visits from search results. Not even one. Same as yesterday.

Lets check the SEO metrics.

MOZ stats:

  • DA (Domain Authority): 10
  • PA (Page Authority): 15
  • TB (Total Backlinks): 44

No changes here for more then a ween now. Still looking forward when it will update their stats. Hopefully tomorrow.


  • DR (Domain Rating): 8
  • Backlinks: 102 (69% dofollow)
  • Linking websites: 30

One new backlink form a unique domain was acquired and counted in AHREFS backlink profile. Thought there will be more but it is OK for now. Link building is a slow and time consuming process although the way of obtaining backlinks through commenting (and blog directories, article sites and forums is quite fast to get links).

day 5 of test blogging consistency

A bit strange is that yesterday hadn’t work on obtaining links at all. The one that was acquired was from some day before.

No matter how hard you try, sometimes you may skip something and it is OK to do that

That was what we did yesterday. Sometimes, whatever you do and no matter how hard you are thriving to succeed it simply doesn’t work. Trick is give yourself a rest, do something else (or simply don’t do anything on a subject). And after a day or two get back on to it and work even harder to make it work.

This advice can really help and lead to success IRL (In real Life).

This is what we plan to do and will do it

We’ll keep on with this test blogging consistency but we’ll post about something else. We’ll be back with stats and a post in similar style (and content) just to keep you updated how this test is holding and if there are some significant changes.

Will go on till day 15 when a full summary and results will be published with a thorough analysis, stats and the exact methods used in the process of keep the blog posting consistency and consistent blogging strategy as well as the ways to stay motivated and keep blogging.


Couple of blog posts are almost ready and waiting to be published. But we have doing something else on a side.

Most of the websites have the main site and a blog to support the main service or product. We have done the opposite. First the blog was set up and running on the main domain and then we created a separated part of the site for our side project/s.

The first of several is our set of free minimalistic productivity tools we’ve made for our own use initially with little coding and with help of ChatGPT.

But we had not stopped there. Today we’ve came with few more ideas and start working on them. Some are already finished and some are still just an idea ready to become something that you’ll love.

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