Welcome to:


Where productivity meets simplicity

all the tools are in one place


Organize links, items, tasks:

Import from backup:

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Add items and tasks to create a list

Time Tracker

Track your working time and pauses

Beeps every half an hour (if you are working!)

Working time: 00:00:00

Set Alarm

URL Framer

Open a website into a frame (only once per session)

Quick notes

Take quick notes, write or copy/paste (Will not be saved)

Word Count: 0
Common shortcuts:
  • CTRL + A : Select all
  • CTRL + X : Cut
  • CTRL + C : Copy
  • CTRL + V : Paste
  • Hold SHIFT and use arrow keys โ† โ†‘ โ†’ to select more precisely


Draw something and save as image


Create an invoice. Preview, Print and Save as PDF

 If don't like the formatting, close the preview and press the BLUE Button - PRINT INVOICE once again to move some fields on the right 


A set of simple online mini tools to boost productivity and get things done quickly.

Easy to use. Available on an any device, anywhere. MiniProductivity is Free (ad supported) web app.

Provided for free as it is. No warranty nor gurantee for possible use, missuse or loss od data. (Don't tell me I've didn't told ya)!!!

If agree, read the documentation to prevent possible data losses and learn how the tools work.


With privacy in mind, the tools in Mini Productivity panel don't store any data online. Web access is needed to load the tools and they'll work while the page is open in a browser. If you close or refresh the page some tools will reset. Exceptions are the BookmarkBoard and Tasker which stores its settings into the browser itself.

As simple as it can be, this web app is made to be as simple and useful as possible. While creating it, I've tried to keep it small and fast. Hey, it doesn not even use Font Awesome, jQuery, MySQL nor some heavy loading framework except one tiny one. All the rest is a messy CSS, HTML and pure Javascript.

Tools included and how to use them

If this is just not enough, here is a free bonus: Starter JSON file in a zip with couple of useful and fun links you can import into the Bookmarker and get used to this tool.

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Created by ColeN - a member of the NonCon team.

Free to use. No registration required.

In no circumstances the creator ColeN, NonCon Team or any subsidiaries and colaborators or any other party will be held responsible for possible use, missuse or data loss. (Don't tell me I've didn't told ya)!!! MiniProductivity panel and the mini tools inside came as they are. No warranty nor gurantee of any kind!!!

MiniProductivity tools doesn't collect nor store any data online. No cookies here except for the analytics and ads. Not quite sure about sharing buttons. So, third party cookies may apply after all.


Copyright 2024 ยฉ ColeN