Interested in making money online? How about starting a project related to creating an online income?

There are ways to do this and some actually work.

Disclaimer: The original project online income started long ago and this is the most recent update.

What is the project online income  about actually?

Originally started by one of NonCon Team members (this yet to be confirmed) as a list of online income opportunities turned into a single page HTML document. Later compiled in 14 page PDF report back in 2010, followed by a blog running on

After several revisions and having enough content back up the project went offline while back in 2020 published as a book on Amazon Kindle:


Complete guide on how to make money online
(in 2020 and beyond)


Enough talking! What is inside and how it can help?

A guide for online income opportunities and possible ways of making money online.Explaining each how it works and how You can use it to make extra money online, earn a bit with a side hustle or even start your online business.

What if you can leverage internet to make money?

Taking a simple approach listing from the simplest and free methods to the most complex ideas and models where significant investment has to be made.

  1. Methods of earning online with no skills
  2. Earning online with your skills and expertise
  3. Sell on internet
  4. Earn with a website
  5. Online marketing
  6. Making money with money
  7. Several more ideas

While few years past since the book was published all the methods are still relevant and working, while few new opportunities and promotion channels (social media) arises meanwhile.

A more recent update will follow soon here, on this website.

Or maybe as a new self published book on Amazon KDP would be a better idea. What do you think?

Till then here is the most recent version of the project (as an ebook)

Project online income guide 2020 ebook

We are sure you’ll enjoy it! And hopefully you’ll find the right opportunity to start your own online income project.


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